From 7th to 15th of February in Almaty city worked brigade of cardiac surgeons from the city of Bergamo. Last week doctors operated 17 critically ill children with various congenital heart diseases. 15 babies became healthy, two with severe pathology unfortunately was impossible to save.

In the operations participated surgeons from “Cardio centre after name of Syzganov” and gained invaluable experience. Italian doctors noted the high professional level of our surgeons.

Our foundation together with foundations “DARA” and  “Voluntary association of Mercy” ensured food of the whole team of doctors in the evenings. “AYALA” foundation expresses heartfelt gratitude to the management and staff of restaurants “  Sherbet ”, “Mamamia”, “Assorti” and “Palladium” that you have helped to remove tiredness from long hours of medical operations.