Today a happy event has occurred in the regional Perinatal Centres of the cities of Ust Kamenogorsks, Semei and Karaganda. The first ceremony of delivery of the medical equipment to the children's resuscitation departments of these Perinatal Centres has taken place in the regional children's hospital of the East Kazakhstan oblast (Ust Kamenogorsk). The children's resuscitation department has received the equipment for the sum 15,306,313 tenge. The head physician of Perinatal Centre of Semei has also received the certificate for the medical equipment which costs 11,487,357 tenge. During the handover ceremony of the equipment Akim of the East Kazakhstan oblast Berdybek Mashbekovich Saparbaev and the head physician of the hospital Raya Zhangalievna Rahimova have warmly thanked our fund. Akim of the oblast has noted that our work in supporting of public child care centers is an example for all potential sponsors - i.e. for all successful businessmen and politicians who live in the East Kazakhstan. Physicians of Ust Kamenogorsk and Semei have assured representatives of our fund that the equipment will be used in full capacity and they will try to reduce indicators of infantile death rate. The birth of triplets babies in the regional Perinatal Centre of Ust Kamenogorsk became the significant event of this day. The babies immediately have been connected to bedside patient's monitors which have received from our fund.

The same day in the afternoon the second delivery ceremony has taken place in the regional Perinatal Centre of Karaganda. Following the introduction to resuscitation department, in the conference hall in the presence of all employees of the Perinatal Centre and representatives of mass-media in solemn conditions the Director of the Perinatal Centre  Anbija Zhumazhanovna Ajtzhanova has received from hands of the President of our fund Ajdan Sulejmenova a certificate for the handed over equipment. Arman Orazbaevich Krykbaev, Deputy Oblast Akim and Erdenbai Abilkasimovich Abilkasimov, the Chief of Regional Public Health Services and also other employees of Oblast Akimat and Regional Public Health Services have taken part in the solemn ceremony. The Director of the Perinatal Centre has noticed in her speech that it is the first experience of receiving of such quantity of the equipment from the charitable organization. Also Anbia Zhumazhanovna has noticed that the equipment was received very opportunely because infusion and syringe metering devices are regularly used in resuscitation departments and frequently it happens that their number is insufficient.

It is pleasant that the representatives of Akimats of the East Kazakhstan and Karaganda oblasts have promised to the representatives of the fund "?YALA" to make the maximum efforts in advertising of the project «Breathe, the kid» in mass-media and means of outdoor advertizing . Employees of Akimats have assured us that our fund affairs become a banner under which it is possible to unite the local non-governmental organizations and also representatives of all business structures of the regions.

Arvind Ticku, the House of interiors «Dialin» and also thousand citizens and visitors of Almaty have been the sponsors of this part of the project «Breathe, the kid».

All of them have donated money which have been collected in the boxes established in the catering network of "Kaganat". Citizens of big cities, commercial structures, hospitals and maternity clinics of our city have got used to various types of charity.  A whip-round for charity collected from ordinary people, sponsorship and patronage of businessmen has not yet become popular among the regional centers of our Republic. But we hope that in the near future participation in charities becomes a normal habit.

 Let's do good deeds together.