Today Zhambyl Regional Prenatal Center received medical devices from "AYALA" foundation, which are indispensable in pediatric intensive care and maternity rooms. This are a fetal monitors in each of the nine maternity rooms and 4 syringe dispenser. To realize this phase of the "Breathe, baby" project helped a permanent sponsor of Ayala Foundation - People’s Bank of Kazakhstan (Halyk bank). The equipment, which were received today will help to correctly and accurately monitor the child's prenatal and directly post prenatal periods. Fetal monitors permits to keep vigilant watch over the  fetal heartbeats or newborn child’s palpitation, and syringe dispensers permits to enter the necessary medicine with a "jewellery " accuracy.Bayzatova Gulnagira Abilseitovna, a head physician of prenatal hospital did not believe that charity foundation from Almaty will help medical facility, located in the city of Taraz until the last minute. The transfer of equipment to Zhambyl Regional Prenatal Center is the first case by a charity organization in this obstetrics organization. After rounding of intensive care unit, we were convinced that the doctors, middle and junior medical staff offices of a Perinatal centre are highly skilled professionals and devoted to their job. They assured a representatives of "AYALA"  Foundation that transferred medical equipment will not be idle, and  will help  to save a lives of more than a dozen newborn citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The cost of all transferred equipment is 9,999,725 tenge, and repeatedly People's Bank (Halyk bank)’s participation in socially significant projects proves that the bank is really people's.