Today, the solemn ceremony of transferring modern medical equipment to the children's resuscitation department of Kyzylorda Regional Perinatal Center (RPC) was held. This equipment has been transferred to the RPC as part of the next phase of the national charity fund "AYALA" project "Breathe, baby."

Magripa Embergenova, the head of maternal and child health care administration of the Medical health care Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Health in her speech at the press conference, dedicated to the transferring of modern equipment to resuscitation department of perinatal center said: "The equipment, which the charity "AYALA" fund transfers in our children hospitals help doctors in saving children's lives. Projects "Breathe, baby" and "Breathe life" that are implemented by the Ministry of Health and by the fund, daily confirm its high efficiency. The initiative of private charity deserves attention and development among local businessmen."

Head of the Health Department of Kyzylorda region Serik Kuandykovich Igembaev at the ceremony of equipment transferring said: "Because of the heavy environmental situation of Aral Sea region suffers health of the population throughout the region, including women of childbearing age. Therefore, to my great regret, the infant mortality rate for the region annually exceeds the national level. Percentage of premature among dead children in the first 0-6 days are 66.4%, including the very low birth weight from 500 to 999 g - 21.1%. In absolute figures, annually on the average 46-51 children born with very low (500-999 g) weigh, including in the first 0-6 days 34-38 children die, 10-12 children survive, up to 1 year 7-9 children survive.  I want to note, that we have an increase of low birth weight infants’ survivals up to 1 year old from 3.8% in 2009 to 17.6% in 2011."

Vice-President of the "AYALA" fund Zhangeldy Sarsenov said: "As a physician, I see the effectiveness of our efforts. Without sponsors such our work would be impossible. I want to thank Marat Bisengaliyev and his family for their cooperation with our fund. I want to remind everyone that the lion's share of funds for the implementation of the project "Breathe, baby. Kyzylorda” was collected during the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the fund, to which was dated the charity concert of our countryman, the star of world violin music Marat Bisengaliyev.”

One of the numerous sponsors of the concert was the company "Kar-Tel" (TM Beeline). At a press conference, Director of Kyzylorda branch Sergei Tsoi commented on this fact: "We are always thinking about the social responsibility of business. With great joy today we accept thanks from "AYALA" charity fund for the support of the project "Breathe, baby." This gratitude will be placed in the most prominent place in our office to constantly remind our employees and customers that the charity is easy and most importantly that it is necessary. I will request an extension of the sms-fundraising project in our company."

Recall that during the concert of Marat Bisengaliyev, which was held on the 2nd of May, 2012 in Almaty, were collected 19,373,640 tenge, which brought in large commercial companies and individuals. General sponsor of the concert is Sberbank.  Unfortunately, representatives of Sberbank and Marat Bisengaliev himself could not take part in the ceremony of transfer of the equipment, but they said so. Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Shukhrat Sadyrov commented on this fact: "Social responsibility for Sberbank - is an essential condition in all regions of Kazakhstan. We on a permanent basis support a number of charity and sponsorship projects and help the youngest members of our society - children, is a priority. To the projects of “AYALA” charity fund, Sberbank pays special attention because recipients of this aid - children who have experienced a serious illness from the first days of life. And if we can help, we will do it."

Marat Bisengalievsaid: "I ​​have often participated in charity events abroad and naturally could not refuse from such a proposal in my homeland. Once I gave money to the Red Cross, but have received no information about where the money was sent - for staff salaries, overhead charge or something else. In the case of cooperation with the "AYALA» charity fund, I made sure that all the funds that were collected during the preparation and conduction of my concert were spent only on the implementation of the project to help Kyzylorda regional perinatal center."

Great contribution to the project have also made the British-Kazakh Society, a network of restaurants «Ciao pizza», «Mamamia",  restaurant «Bizzaro», "Air Astana",  chain of jewelry stores «Viled», the «Alser» company, «New Technologies", «Ordamed», «Petrocommerce Kazakhstan", "SMP-A", "Akbastau», «BASF», «Art Visit», «Beeline», «YPO», «MED Capital», «CAICC», «SLK-Asia Trade»,«StroyKontrakt.» Our fund on behalf of the children, who will be provided with high-tech help, thanks the leadership and employees of those companies.

Physicians of perinatal center warmly thanked the representatives of our fund, and assured that they will be treated very delicately to the gifted equipment, but at the same time assured that it will not stand, because the help to premature infants turns out every minute.