Today at the boarding school for children with intellectual disabilities in Astana the final celebration of the project “Letter to Santa Claus” was held.  50 pupils from low-income families of this boarding school wrote about theirs dream to the most important hero of the New Year.  During the month, in the shopping center "Keruen" stood a Christmas tree, decorated with the children's letters.  Already in the middle of the second decade on the Christmas tree there were no letters with children’s requests, it was collected 306,550 tenge for gifts.  Residents and guests of Astana actively interested in this project and with the desire donated money for gifts. The “AYALA” charity fund expresses a great appreciation to our volunteers who live and work in Astana. Especially worth mentioning Xenia Filimonova, who was the supervisor of the project.  Also, we want to note the help of other fund volunteers, who took part in the implementation of this project. 

Children, who a month ago expressed their dreams on the pages of their "Letters to Santa Claus" came to the gym. For them there were a lot of full of life, humorous, sports competitions and mini quizzes, in which children took an active part. As recognized then animators, sometimes from those who want to take part in competitions was no lack.  According to the tradition of holding children's parties, all of them got sweet gifts from the shopping center "Keruen" and then Santa Claus and Snow Maiden gave each child exactly what he asked in his letter. Joy of children knew no bounds. Employees of the boarding school were also very pleased of the holiday.