"In the first 9 months of this year, the infant mortality rate has decreased by 17% compared to the same period last year, according to Today.kz with reference to the press service of the president.

According to the Minister of Health of Kazakhstan Salidat Kairbekova in the country during the reporting period, maternal mortality has decreased by 24%, mortality from diseases of the circulatory system - by 6%, from cancer - by 4% and tuberculosis - by 23.6%".

This message became for the employees of the "AYALA" charity foundation very good news. For 5 years our foundation has implemented the "Breathe, baby" project. This project was designed to help with medical equipment children resuscitation departments of maternity and regional perinatal centers in our country. We were able to implement this project in partnership with the Ministry of Health, regional health departments, and heads of medical institutions.  But the most important was the participation of our partners - business organizations, banks, and oil & gas companies. Significant contribution were donations from students, state employees and other visitors of the network of canteens "Kaganat" ticket offices of “Air Astana”, as well as other places where the boxes for fundraising are installed, like restaurants, shops, "KazMunaiGas" and Nomad Oil petrol stations, as well as many other places. 

The "Breathe, baby" project can be considered as completed. Tremendous help in this made ​​Kaspi bank. Vyacheslav Kim and Michael Lomtadze were like locomotives in that. We express our gratitude for their good intentions and generosity of heart.