Event, dedicated to the International Children’s Day our foundation organized in achildren's hospital ? 1 in Astana city. On this day, animators with gifts came to the young patients.  Hospital stay – is veryboring pastime.  There is nothing to do in the hospital and any entertainment for them brightens dull hospital atmosphere. Children are rejoicing at the gifts, which were children's books and balloons. Total 120 children received gifts. The total budget of this holiday is 79 000 tenge. Sponsor was an employee of one of the commercial companies in Almaty Janat Shakirova.

The project of our foundation, which is called “Let's do good deeds”,consists of a string of small children's parties for children from boarding schools, orphanages and children's sanatoriums. And as our today's event proof the organization of such eventsby means of almost anyone with a stable income.In the near future of our foundation is an organization and conduction of the kites festival for the inmates of the orphanage ? 2.  This festival will be held on the 4th of June in Issyk town because in Almaty a steady wind is a very rare natural phenomenon. We invite all fans of kites at our festival.