This section will be devoted to getting acquainted with the good and generous people who help our foundation. Someone always gives a significant amount of money, someone is working as a volunteer, someone made to our foundation modest one-time assistance but all these people are united by a generous heart.

The “Chevron” company has been working in Kazakhstan for 20 years. This company is known for the fact that in every country in which it is presented, it implementing a number of social initiatives and projects. In Kazakhstan "Chevron" helps schools, hospitals and other social institutions. Today we talk with the director of department of Government and public relations of the "Chevron" company Zikibaev Yerkin Eslyamovich.
In which regions of Kazakhstan the "Chevron" company is working?
The “Chevron” company is the leading private oil company successfully doing business in Kazakhstan for the past twenty years, and currently owns shares in two largest oil projects of the country - Tengiz in Atyrau region (50%) and Karachaganak fields in Western Kazakhstan region (18%). "Chevron" is also the largest private shareholder of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (15%), and owns a factory of plastic pipes in Atyrau (100%).
Are you engaged only in oil production and its refinery or you also working in other areas of the energy industry?
The company believes that alternative and renewable energy sources will play a role in meeting energy needs in the future and we're constantly working to develop alternative energy sources, including geothermal, solar, wind, biofuels energy, fuel cells, solar cells, hydrogen fuel for transport and energy technologies.
In Kazakhstan, our work also extends beyond oil and gas projects. Currently, "Chevron" is investing in the renewable energy sector, particularly in wind energy. The benefits of using wind energy are undeniable. It is clean, abundant and renewable. Electric power is generated without consuming any other natural resources, and without generating of greenhouse gases.
Over the past two years, "Chevron" has evaluated several sites in different regions of Kazakhstan, which were suitable for the construction of wind-powered generating plant. As a result, a site near the Yereimentau town in the Akmola region, located 150 km north-east of the Astana city has been selected. The project entitled “Wind-powered generating plant Samal” is the first object of the "Chevron" on development of wind power outside the United States, and one of the first wind-powered generating plants in Kazakhstan. Its design capacity is not less than 30 MV. "Samal" will be one of the biggest projects with foreign investment in the Akmola region. The project, which is now at the initial stage of evaluation, supports the strategic initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the use of renewable energy sources.
Bolat E. – 2 940 000 KZT
Ailin E. – 4 170 000 KZT
Rakisheva Lyazzat – 1 500 000 KZT
Baimuhametova Gulzhihan Hamitovna
Ikkert Vyacheslav
Gluhova Tatyana
Isaeva Gauhar
Baiganaeva Aisulu
Mahmudulaeva Gauhar
Ergun ugur Nadji
Sadykova Asel
Sagindikov Bahitzhan
Zhumabaeva Aklima
Novikov Alexandr
Zhaksibaev Saken
Gribanova Olga
Zakiryarov Rustam
Erish Veronika
Mishurkin Vladimir
Zhaudov Erbol
Kadieva Nazgul
Zholshybekova Makhabat
Chencova Olga
Pavlov Alexandr
Fisenko Andrey
Cherishnikiva Alexandr
Karakulov Serik
Shnyakin Igor
Avchambaev Dosan
Zapolskaya Svetlana
Bezrodnaya Svetlana
Batyrbekova leila
Abdrahmanova Svetlana
Nadena Olga
Uteulina Svetlana
Danilenko Boris
Kaparov Bahit
Shahmanov Andrey
Kucher Alexandr
Sidorov Taras
Coca Cola
Smalkulov Iskander
Kabidenov Kuanysh
Shayahmetov Sayat
Bagdanocva Natalya
Prihodko Oleg
Zhaksylykova Nazym
Djabrailov Genadi
Nurgul Esnaeva
Marov Dmitri
Anel Utebalieva
Evgeniya Sadykova
Sabenova Anara
Meirzhan Ermeshaev
Ruslan Erezhepov
Chimirov Ismar
Kozhahmetova Nina
Nasimi Irina
Nasimi Anzhelika
Skedro Alexandr
Chulakov Nurlan
Kulchikov Maksat
Anna Aglodina
Malik Islamov
Kamilya Omarova
Sergey Evsukov
Flora Hakimova
Zhaniya Amangalieva
Armenak Gasparyan
Katerina Han
Asel Kozhakova
Vuros Olga
Margarita Hlinovskaya
Evgenya Kail
Faruh Malitov
Kuanysh Utegenov
Mariano Patane
Asel Shaimuhambetova
Kseniya Ivanova, Elena Karishman
Elena Fedorovskaya
Amangeldin D. – 1 500 000 KZT
Pavlov Aleksandr Markovich– 600 000 KZT
Lapin Maxim
Ormanbetov Bakdaulet
Aydar, Dina
Omarov Ashat
Zaharova Natalya
Din Yuliya
Rahmankulov Rustam
Nicheva Irina
Polyakova Irina
Baturova Yana
Yana Yalovskaya
Cheremishkova Elena
Ahmetova Aigerim
Tatyana Terlikbaeva
Asel Seisembieva
Tokabaev Zhanibek
Aigul Toyzhanova
Karlygash Makatova
Dzhamalov Baurzhan
Ligay Raisa
Kunsulu Kapbasova
Soskaeva Almagul
Devine . Ì.À.
Aliya Kalibaeva
Diana Irende
Caritov Georgi
Pogosyan Svetlana
Viktor Alexandrovich
Ahmurzaev Rashid
Sarinova Amankul
Alima Shahmuratova
Apsatarova Adina
Sadvakasov Almaz
Imankulova Zauresh
Amrakulova Madina
Omarova Bota
Ignatenko Irina
Ainur Nurgalieva
Ivanov Alexandr
Kopilova Svetlana
Shilova Irina
Fomenko Anna
Rashikanov Serikzhan
Kovtun Denis
Tuleushev Adil
Belyakova Oxana
Seithan Askar
Suvorova Marina
Bekhozhina Aizhan
Kozachenko Inna
Ravil Kashgaliev
Meredov Dovran
Babaev Valihan
Uzhen Ekaterina
Shalginbaeva Irina
Poyovoy Andrey
Tursinbaeva Ardak
Sidorov Arini
Vladimir Balyasov
Lim Erik
Utkenbaev Dauren
Smagulov Daniyar
Saltanat Elshibaeva
Zhanat Abduhalikovna
Mihail Laptev
Evgeniya Strelkova
Kadynov Artur, Muhamadieva Dina
Aya Bralina
Aydar Sarimsakov
Adambaev Ayan
Vasin Vladimir
Alla Alexandrovna
Erzhan Niyazbek
Biadjini Javanni
Kim Kristina
Zlobin Vitaly
Hudaiberdiev Tahir
Zuhra Kenzina
Talgat Kenzhebaev
Sergey Vasiliev
Iksanova Gauhar
Slaksemekina Larisa |