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good deeds!


01-10-2009 Meeting of association of charity foundations

A regular meeting of the “Association of Charity Foundations” (ACF) was held under the chairmanship...

A regular meeting of the “Association of Charity Foundations” (ACF) was held under the chairmanship of the adviser to the President of “AYALA” foundation at the assembly hall of the Foundation of First President. On the agenda of autumn discussion of ACF meeting was report of anesthesiologist-resuscitator on internship at the clinic of Bergamo city. This internship became possible thanks to the combined efforts of three charity foundations – “AYALA”, “DARA” and “VOM”. Doctors told about their study in Italy and their plans on applying of gained knowledge and skills to Kazakhstan medicine.

The second issue of ACF meeting was the question on the status of diabetes incidence, especially among children in Kazakhstan. The assistant to the President of Diabetic Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan (DARK) and the pediatrician-in-chief of city health department explained this situation.

Mr. Filonov, a president of PF “Shyn zhurekten”, reported on the process of creating an information resource

As the result of the meeting the following decisions were taken: to hold the meetings of “ACF” three times a year: in winter, spring and autumn. To time the next  “winter” ACF meeting to coincide with the first anniversary of the announcement of 27th  of January – the Day of Charity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Our foundation has agreed with “DARK” to make videos on acute and urgent conditions of children with diabetes and to distribute these materials throughout the Kazakhstan with the help of the Ministries of Health and Education of Kazakhstan and web-sites of charity foundations “AYALA” and “DARA”.