Let us together do
good deeds!


Club of friends for “Ayala” charity foundation celebrates its anniversary

Today a correspondent of our newspaper talks to Ms Batyrova Flyura Mukhtarovna - president of the Club of friends for "Ayala" Charity foundation.


Today a correspondent of our newspaper talks to Ms Batyrova Flyura Mukhtarovna - president of the Club of friends for "Ayala" Charity foundation.

- The first question is dedicated to the anniversary of the Club of friends for “Ayala” charity foundation. Flyura Mukhtarovna, what did personally change for you during the year when it comes to idea of “charity” itself?

 - Before I used to participate in charity activities quite rarely and the concept of “charity” was sort of blur for me, but my attitude for charity has changed significantly. I learned to make out people that comes to me seeking for charity well, I learned the concept of “efficient charity” from “Ayala” foundation. Me, just like the foundation, am now trying to drive the projects in a way that would cover maximum number of children.

- Who is a member of the friends’ club at the moment?

- Firstly, all members of my family are. But what makes me happy is that not only my family members became part of a club, but there also different other people holding membership. Among them I can mention students of Almaty’s universities, representatives of different business structures, entrepreneurers, employees of national companies, volunteers and simply kind people.

- Aren’t most of them employed busy with their jobs and families? How do they find time to take part in activities organized by the Club?

- If a person has a strong will, an endeavour and a feeling that someone is in need for help, then he will definitely find time. The main orientation of the foundation is help for children that is why people who have kids, people who are not indifferent to the problems of other kids and people who thinks that there are no “other kids” do respond.  

- How often do you gather to discuss your upcoming projects? And what projects do you prioritize for club?

- We gather at the monthly basis. At this big meeting “global” issues of the club are discussed. Smaller working groups meet when necessary for the project implementation. It is difficult to set priorities among the projects, all of them are important and are there to help children, that is why we treat each project as the major one.

- What projects have Club of friends for “Ayala” charity foundation have completed in a year?

- We consider opening of the club as its very first event, which happened on the 15th of October 2010. Then we had our first meeting and combined it with press conference of the popular Russian In-Yan group. The event took place at #2 orphanage. By the way the In-Yan are all honoured members of the Club of friends. Then, on 20th of November we were the first ones to celebrate Worldwide Child day for kids with deficit or growth hormone and disabled kids raised at home. The idea behind holding this event was the fact that there are many reasons to help children and kids in need live not only in orphan houses. It is pity to know that sometimes charity’s treated like an obligation, when people remember of those kids at holidays like New Year or on International Children’s Day and bring food, toys and clothes only to orphan houses.

We brought circus actors from State Circus for morning performance to #6 boarding school for kids with intellectual development disorders, then for Nauryz we organized circus performance for #10 boarding school for kids from low income and problematic families. This fall Club of friends equipped playing ground and improved surrounding territory of specialized boarding school #4 for visually impaired and blind kids.        

- How do you collect money for implementation of your projects and how fast does it usually happen?

- This is a very hard question. Basically people realize they should and can help needy ones, but you know when it comes to money... We try to attract new people, take them to our events, when a newcomer sees where his help actually goes, he gets inspired especially when he sees the eyes of kids and real results. We have installed charity boxes at “Mamma Mia” and “Ciao Pizza” restraunts chain, next to the boxes we have a description of where we spend the money we collect. Moreover, the friends of the club make some input they can afford to the projects.

- What are the plans of Club of friends for the coming year?

- “Ayala” foundation got all my respect and trust, thus next year I will spend working with the foundation. The nearest event the foundation is holding – worldwide child day. Other than that we plan to support all the projects “Ayala” would launch. I hope this year we’ll get more members and they will bring new ideas to our work with them. 

- I can’t ignore a question that every businessman would ask you. What would I get If I contribute financially and morally?

- I believe that financial contribution can not and should not bring people immediate mercantile benefits. But when it comes to moral side I have received an enormous “benefits” last year. Each time when I remember this blind boy who sang at the opening of play ground at boarding school #4 I get this bitter sweet feeling, sight for sore eyes as they say. The more examples we get since the club’s creation, the more my own life seems to get fulfilled. This is very hard to compare with something else and I guess the most simple wording would be – it just makes me feel warm.

- In conclusion of our conversation, what can you advise or wish those people, who want to be part of charity? Many people want to be part of good deed but don’t know how.

- If there is someone who wants to help, who wants to know how to contribute he can go to ayala.kz web page that belongs to “Ayala” foundation, there is a section dedicated to our club and information about all of the projects of the foundation. Or you can call +7 727 250 90 53; 3276043.