Let us together do
good deeds!


27-12-2012 Matinee of the project "Letter to Santa Claus"

The "AYALA" charity foundation launched the project "Letter to Grandfather Frost" nearly...

The "AYALA" charity foundation launched the project "Letter to Grandfather Frost" nearly less than a month ago. 52 pupils of special (correctional) boarding school №1, №7, and №8 wrote letters to Santa Claus.  Envelopes with these letters were the "decoration" of New Year trees that were installed at the head office of the Halyk Bank and Saks Fifth Avenue.  Employees and visitors of these institutions read children's letters and put into envelopes money sufficient to buy gifts, and some people decided to buy a present by themselves. 323 663 KZT was collected in the boxes.

On a clear sunny and frosty morning, we gathered all the children who wrote letters in the "Arman" cinema.  Holiday consisted of three parts - at first the children and their teachers watched a cheerful cartoon about a northern deer "Niko 2". Both children and their teachers were delighted with the cartoon.

Then a little show with a pirate, clown, Snow Maiden and of course Grandfather Frost was held round a beautifully decorated New Year tree. The children took part in the competitions, recited poems and they received small prizes for that. After this part, the ceremony of gifts handing was held. Part of the gifts was given personally by the staff of Halyk Bank, who managed to come to the holiday and see the happy smiles of the children.  Children received toys, sports equipment, creative kits, cell phones, encyclopedias, and sledges.  Some of the children asked hats, scarves and gloves as a gift, and judging by this and ordered sledges, our orphanages are very good forecasters, because this winter is very snowy and frosty.

We would like to thank the administration of the "Arman" cinema and the company "Rakhimzhan", because the film screening, treats for children and their premises were provided free of charge and from the heart. The cinema partners were «Something Else», «Mint design», «Vanilla catering» companies; they provided New Year decoration, laid the table for the children and teachers and gave the sweet surprises. In addition to this, each child received the burger menu for the journey. General sponsor of the event was the Pony Express Company. This has been the first experience of cooperation of the company with charity organizations, but representatives of the Pony Express are eager to continue their good deeds.

Happy smiles of children, who received generous, useful and wished-for gifts, were the greatest pleasure for the matinee organizers.

Summing up the results of the project "Letter to Grandfather Frost" in Astana and Almaty, we want to inform you that 630 213 KZT was collected from the boxes, and 102 children became the happy owners of the gifts.

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