The show of soap bubbles and delicious treats turned the International Day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness into a real feast for pupils of the Center of Social Services No. 2 in Almaty.
Entertainers of AnderSon family cafe & confectionery helped to create a festive mood for children. The children were delighted to watch their tricks with soap bubbles, and after the show the guys were treated with delicious pizza from the chain of restaurants Mamma Mia and Ciao Pizza, as well as drinks with sweets.
To date, 150 children with various pathologies in development and problems of the musculoskeletal system live in the center. About 70% of them were abandoned by their parents.
The International Day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness was established on the initiative of international charity organizations and is celebrated annually on the 17th of February. So far this holiday is popular in the countries of Europe and the USA where traditionally charity events and marathons with participation of famous persons take place. The main goal on this day is to try to be kind to everyone, unlimitedly and unselfishly.