Let us together do
good deeds!


14-01-2019 The results of Magic December campaign

Dear Friends, do you remember about Magic December joint campaign by Mamma mia & Ciao Pizza...

Dear Friends, do you remember about Magic December joint campaign by Mamma mia & Ciao Pizza restaurants chain and AYALA Charity Foundation? Through December 2018, all visitors to the restaurants could pay for additional pizzas. They were given boxes and wrote their wishes there. Later Pepperoni or Margarita pizzas in these boxes were sent to the recipients. Pupils of four institutions received tasty treats for the old style New Year. 95 pizzas were delivered to 260 children of the boarding school No. 10 for children from low-income families. 90 pizzas were sent for 249 children of the boarding school No. 15 for children from low-income families. 50 pizzas were delivered to 139 pupils of the boarding school No. 1 for children with hearing impairment, 65 pizzas were sent for 173 children of the boarding school No. 2 for children with muscle-skeleton disorders. Over the month, kind Almaty residents and guests of the city sent 300 pizzas.

AYALA Charity Foundation expresses sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in the campaign, and to Mamma mia & Ciao Pizza restaurants chain.

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