Let us together do
good deeds!


22-03-2008 Celebration of Nauryz in a children sanatorium # 2

On this day Holiday came to a sanatorium in literal sense of the phrase and exactly with...

On this day Holiday came to a sanatorium in literal sense of the phrase and exactly with the capital letter because there was no limit to the rejoice of the patients and employees of the sanatorium.

The atmosphere of holiday was created by nature (the weather was almost like in summer) and by employees and our fund as well. Guests entered the territory of sanatorium through an arch made from balloons; the ground was also covered with the balloons swaying in the wind. Festive yurtas (nomad's tent), laid tables, people wearing numerous smart national suits, the smokeunder cauldrons with pilau being prepared and boiling oil for frying baursaks -  this all set the guests and participants for a something special, for Nauryz!

And the holiday began! The holiday-makers of this round were lucky! Firstly, there was a presentation of a puppet-play in the hall of sanatorium. Then there was a patients’performance. On the ground between the yurt and health corpus a diversity of street theatrical performance took place: clowns, focuses, games, competitions...

This was a medical, beneficial "stress” for children, suffering from neurological diseases. They played, sang, gave an interview to the not indifferent correspondents of TV, laughed at boffolas of clowns and enthusiastically looked at dancing and acrobatic performances of elder children and even of the same age, but healthy.

As one of the educators of sanatorium said - "Today our children will sleep like dead on their feet ". And this will be a healing sleep". And yet another warm phrase - "Thanks to the ‘AYALA’ fund, our sanatorium has become an example, one of the best among similar establishments".

The employees of sanatorium prepared some short performances explaining some traditions and ceremonies of the Kazakh people, hosted numerous guests, and did everything they could to make sure children and adult participants of the holiday remembered this day for a long time.

Upon the end of the presentation all guests tasted delicious pilau, fresh baursaks, and traditional dish for Nauryz - kozhe, fresh tea and sweets.

Even sneaky boys fromnearby left replete and satisfied, with helium filled balloons. By all accounts the "holiday was a success".

‘AYALA’ foundation does everything possible so that life of the children "offended" by nature became more joyful and convenient.

Maybe YOU wanted to help as well, but are simply not aware of what can be done for this purpose?