A magical world of health, lively fairytale… There are so many names for sensory room which can be used to teach, relax, calm down or fill with energy. Today the opening of such room was held in Petropavlovsk children’s psycho-neurological boarding school. This was a present from the charity foundation “AYALA”. Everything that a child needs for relaxation can be found here: fibro-optic carpet “Milky Way”, tunnel, tactile panel and also children’s mirror corners with bubble column. Total cost: 1 503 000 tenge. Furthermore, except sensory room, the charity foundation “AYALA” presented the training devices for therapeutic gymnastics to the boarding school: rehabilitation mechano-therapeutic and orthopedic, and also neuro-orthopedic rehabilitation combination. Total cost: 2 385 000 тенге.
It should be noticed that the boarding school helps children aged from 1.5 to 18 years with psycho-neurological pathologies in the in-patient and semi in-patient conditions. Thanks to the sensory room and training devices which help to take therapeutic physical training exercises, the children now have chances to recover.